Bank: ANZ Bank
Account Title: QAMS Australia
BSB: 014278
Account No.: 189876988
Reference: Your phone number
Basket Brigade Brisbane (BBB) provides toys and foods assistance to residents of African communities in Queensland. Their relief assistance has impacted the lives of many African migrant and refugees youths, families and visitors in Queensland who directly or indirectly knock on our door for assistance during Christmas.
QAMS' Management Team
Community Relations Officer
Queensland Association for Multicultural Services (QAMS)
Korpo Deddeh
Bunnings Warehouse is currently supporting our free community lawn mowing for the elderly and disabled in South-Brisbane.
We are a financial member of Volunteering QLD. We need your hand to grow and to deliver quality services to our communities in Queensland. We are in need of skills and talents that have been used to make Queensland a better place to live in. We want to fit in well and would like to make a contribution to those we have met.
Corporate Relations: Marketing, Advertising & Promotion of Business in South-Brisbane
QAMS offers Free community Lawn Mowing for the Elderly & Disabled in South Brisbane. Online request form
You are invited to watch all our videos at our YouTube in our ONE-STOP-SHOP.YouTube Channel on the left. And please do forget to make a minimum donation. These programs are financed by your generosity made in kind and cash. Thank you for your support!
Our Supporters
M: 0469 705 532
Phone: 07 3278 8312 | Mobil: 04 6970 5352
Our organization is providing work-placement opportunity to students completing a Diploma in "Community Development" who are on the New Start Allowance and Work-For-The-Dole.
Queensland School Lunch
Simeon Sebastian
We accept donation in cash and kind
QAMS is a not-for-profit Marketing, Advertising and Promotion (MAP) organisation. QAMS markets, advertises, and promotes African migrants and refugees businesses, Community-Based Oeganisations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as well as mainstream Australian businesses.
Bridging Numeracy & Literacy Gaps among African migrant students in Queensland
The Queensland African Communities Counties (QACC) is a peak-body Queensland African Community-Based Organisation (CBO) that has provided its facility for use upon request in Brisbane.
Officeworks is one of our major fundraising partners in Queensland. Officeworks supported our Community Library & Numeracy/NAPLAN Project from 2014 to 2016. Our new signature project - free community mowing for the elderly and disabled in South-Brisbane is also being supported by Officeworks.
QAMS YouTube Channel
Community Service (Liberia) Incorporated is providing school lunches to families and caregivers from various suburbs in South East Brisbane. The purpose of the Queensland School Lunch project is to assist families with school-going children who are within the category of low income, unemployed and on Centrelink.
Community Service (Liberia) Incorporated is also providing school supplies/gears to families and caregivers from various suburbs in South East Brisbane. The purpose of the Queensland School Gears/Supplies project is to assist families with school-going children who are within the category of low income, unemployed and/or on Centrelink. Because it has claimed our attention that many migrant students and families struggled to meet the basic school supplies/gears requirements at the very beginning of the school year due to multiple financial requirements that surround everyday living expenses. The school gears/supplies project helped families to balance their budget during the first quarter of each school year. Meanwhile, in 2017 and 2018, our organisation made significant progress as a result of 22 pairs of new school shoes that were donated by GIVIT which were given to students free of charge.
Community Service (Liberia) Incorporated is providing domestic services to the elderly and disabled in South East Brisbane. Services provided are lawn mowing, gardening & weeding, cleaning, laundry, clothes ironing and packing, car washing & detailing. These services are s dear to the elderly and disabled and since they are unable to do themselves anymore, our organisation has decided to give back by filling in the gap for them.
Community Service (Liberia) Incorporated is engaging African migrant and refugee youths in South East Brisbane by providing them with volunteering opportunities in areas such as bookkeeping, administration, networking, fundraising, event planning. The objective of the project is to assist African migrant and refugee youths with tertiary education with the requisite job experience that managers are looking for in the labour market.
Community Service (Liberia) Incorporated provides home materials to families that are settling in Brisbane from one year to five years. This project is aimed at making Queensland, particularly the South East Brisbane attractive and welcoming to newcomers.
In order to encourage African migrant and refugee students to develop an interest in numeracy and literacy, QAMS provides school lunch to families on a fortnight basis. Our school lunch has an opportunity that keeps students spending more time with their school lessons at school and at home. Therefore, parents and caregivers are encouraged to contact us for more information regarding this unique opportunity.
QAMS also provides school materials for African migrant and refugee students from low-income families. This initiative is undertaken on a quarterly basis. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to seek information and /or make their request in January, April, August and December. Please click QAMS Relief Services (QRS) link to view school materials that you can request. However, making a request does not guarantee that you are entitled to or will receive what you have requested. As non-funded Community-Based Organisation (CBO), we depend on the generacity of our partners and supporters to meet the needs and demands of our clients.
At a point when we were about to close the community library project due to huge demands from parents and caregivers to enroll all the kids that needed assistance, we turned to Foodbank Queensland for lunch and they provided more than what was expected, which enabled the project to end on time.
Our organization is providing "work-placement" opportunities to students from EVOCCA who are completing their diplomas in "Community Development" - opportunities that give students real-life employment experiences that are needed in the corporate world.
Jacob Hallie
Free community Lawn Mowing for the Elderly & Disabled in South-Brisbane
P: 07 32788312
FREE Community Lawn Mowing For the Elderly & Disabled in South-Brisbane
Enrol your child or children into the Community Library/NAPLAN Project Now! The project provides free NAPLAN text-books and weekly school lunch for every attendance on Saturday from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. Please email us at or call us on Mobile:04 6970 5352 Phone: 07 3278 8312
Queensland African Migrant Services (QAMS) is offering free community law mowing for the elderly and disabled in South Brisbane. If you are aware of any elderly or disabled person in South Brisbane that is in need of lawn mowing assistance, please email us at or give us a call on the following numbers: 04 6970 5352 | 07 3278 8312. You can also apply online via this link.
The Multicultural Development Association (MDA) was there for us when we called and needed them. MDA has given access to our institution to use its meeting rooms without incurring a cost. This gesture that has not only helped us to achieve our goals but also created a smooth pathway in meeting others and building a network of communities.
Queensland African Multicultural Creative Arts Festival 2017 was Proudly Supported by the Brisbane City Council. Queensland African Multicultural Report 2017
The Queensland Association for Multicultural Services (QAMS) is operating a Co-op Grocery Corner Shop for Queensland students from low-income families. All foods and non-food items are sold below half-price. Proceed generated are used to provide free stationery and school-gears to students.
Acacia Ridge Community Support Centre has been our traditional supporter in all our initiatives since our establishment. Our signature project: Queensland African Christmas Festival 2015 was supported by ARCSI by creating networks that led us to receiving a huge donation of toys' form the public that was distributed among more than 500 children at Christmas.