Numeracy and Literacy efficiency among African refugee and migrant children is one of the many challenges they face. Therefore, many students are not keen to participate in the NAPLAN Examinations in years 3, 5, 7 & 9. If they do participate, the results are not always favorable to mum, dad, the student and the school. In view of the circumstances mentioned, the Queensland African Migrant Services (QAMS) has decided to assist students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 with numeracy and literacy at the Sunnybank Hills Library on every Saturday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Numeracy and Literacy assistance will begin from 1 April and end on 29 April 2017. Meanwhile, NAPLAN Examinations will commence from 9 - 11 May 2017.
SIC - Social Inclusion & Cohesion
The Social Cohesion & Inclusion Project assists African migrant kids to socially network with each other and with other kids from a variety of non-African, socio-economic, and geographical backgrounds. The focus of the project is to provide recreational activities for kids and to also provide mentoring to high school students. The project is implemented during school holidays. Registration for term three (3) will begin 15 - 30 June 2015? The following activities will be delivered during term three (3) school holidays: 1) Tourism, 2) Swimming, 3) Sports, and 4) BBQ Fundraising
Our Projects
Community Library/NAPLAN Project won an Award in 2016
School Lunch
Our Numeracy and Literacy NAPLAN Project also provides lunch during the study period at the Sunnybank Hills Library as well as lunch for students to take home during the week. This effort is undertaken to encourage the students and to help afford mum and dad to afford to take care of other important financial issues from the little savings that they have made during the month.
Our Events
REAMEEP - Re-engineering African Migrant Education & Employment Pathways
Queensland African Christmas Festival 2015
In 2014, the Community Library/NAPLAN Project started as a pilot with 65 children comprising of 18 families. In 2015, the Management Committee of QAMS adopted the project as its core project base as a result of huge demands from children enrolled during the previous year. In 2016, the project was modified with the assistance of school lunches from Foodbank Queensland. In 2016, QAMS was awarded for its Numeracy and Literacy support to children from Non-English speaking backgrounds. However, the project has not started for 2017 due to huge enrollments coupled with the lack of funding.
Community Library/NAPLAN Project
Working in the student community has enabled us to identify some of the challenges that qualified African migrant university graduates are facing. Our interactions have given us first-hand information on about some of the common barriers faced by many qualified graduates which range from lack of work experience, limited corporate profiles, and limited information about the job market as well as desirable skills that employers are looking for. Therefore, in order to improve the rate of employable opportunities among qualified African migrant university students, QAMS has embarked on the REAMEEP Project for Students in years 11 and 12 before their graduation from high school.
Donating One Food Item a week can enable Us to provide lunch
Christmas is a time to share and visit friends and loved ones who are so dear to us. But in most cases, we only shower people we love and know with valuable gifts in anticipation of receiving something from them at some point in time. For this reason, we have come to realize that there is a need to from the traditional way of celebrating Christmas by giving gifts to people we have not met before in our life as a means of establishing new relationships that will foster Faith, Hope and Love within our community and beyond. However, in 2015, the Brisbane Christmas Festival 2015 was celebrated in a grand style and the number of children that we gave toys to was more than five hundred. These children shared the news of toys received with other friends about their quality time on Christmas Day.
As a result of the number of parents and caregivers who rang our offices to make an inquiry about the Brisbane Christmas Festival 2015, we were unable to implement the festival in 2016 because we did not want to turn any child away on Christmas Day. Therefore, we are appealing to our supporters, sponsors and well-wishers to consider the children of Brisbane when making their Christmas budget in 2017. For more information about the festival, please visit Brisbane Christmas Festival 2015.
For 2018 Registration for your child/ren, please click HERE